The Office for National Statistics: journeying through modern life
The Office for National Statistics has published an article exploring life's most important milestones and how they have changed over time. Using a range of data sources, the article looks at key life events such when people enter the workforce, get married, and earn the most money. Kerry Gadsdon, from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), said: "Everyone's journey through adulthood is different, but we can use a range of data to explore key events in life. We've examined how these milestones of adulthood have changed over the past decade and can see how society is shifting. "In England and Wales, people are doing many things later in life; like leaving their parent's home, getting married, and retiring. But not everything has changed. Most people still enter the workforce at 23-24 years old and make the most money in their 30s to 50s."